SCRVRHS Turntable

Ron Lewis Photos

Ron Lewis (left) & Roy Peyton (right)

Mike Morgan Photo

Mike Morgan Photo

"Dawn of the Big Lift Day" depicts preparing for moving the RR Turntable

Sue Mendrala Photo

RR Turntable is officially in the ground at 11:40am PST

Sue Mendrala Photo

Ron Lewis christening the now installed RR Turntable. Roy Payton is pleased

Sue Mendrala Photo

Since it's been stored upside down, so it first had to be turned over - first time we've seen the top in 9+ yrs

Gary Phillips Photos

The Big Lift - moving over pivot bearing

Gary Phillips Photos

Down "Gently"

Gary Phillips Photos

At rest in it's new home

Gary Phillips Photos

Jim Mendrala Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Ron Lewis Photo

Rollers for center pivot bearing (approx. 10" long 8" diam. at base)

Stan & Bev Hurst Photo

Bearing pieces after cleaning.

Stan & Bev Hurst Photo

Beginning assembly of bearing.

Stan & Bev Hurst Photo

Gear assembly for turntable rotation mechanism.

Stan & Bev Hurst Photo

Update of forms for outer wall.

Stan & Bev Hurst Photo

Jim Mendrala Photo 11/14/06

These pictures depict the drainage trench from Johannas Ice Cream Shop towards our turntable over the Fillmore Historical Society's RR Station property. It should be finished in about a week and will provide the necessary drainage of the turntables 97 ft. pit.

Jim Mendrala Photo 11/14/06

Photos submitted January 2006
by Dale Bolms

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